FOR Safe serene harm free mutuality in relationship! Thank you to the Foundation.
You have the right to be you. You have the right to put yourself first. You have the right to be safe. You have the right to love and be loved. You have the right to be treated with respect. You have the right to be human—NOT PERFECT. You have the right to be angry and protest if you are treated unfairly or abusively by anyone. You have the right to your own privacy. You have the right to your own opinions, to express them, and to be taken seriously. You have the right to earn and control your own money. You have the right to ask questions about anything that affects your life. You have the right to make decisions that affect you. You have the right to grow and change (and that includes changing your mind). You have the right to say NO. You have the right to make mistakes. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONTROL YOUR OWN LIFE, and TO CHANGE IT IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY WITH IT. Copyright 2011 Nicole Brown Foundation. All rights reserved. Home | About us | Ed Do you want to discover the source of happiness in relationship, at work, at home or even while exercising?
Is happiness synonymous with serene peace and 'peace of mind', courage beyond fear, beauty and/or outrageous joy? Here are 5 quick tips on the source of happiness right now, without giving away the two minute exercise that will point you right to it, and more, from the new ebook titled "What is the source of happiness?" which was inspired from the teachings by Hale Dwoskin and The Sedona Method. 1.Next time you have a good belly laugh, can you think at the same time? 2.Beyond that good belly laugh, can you also notice the 'clear, at peace' and aware presence that is revealed? 3.When you have felt fear, was there a feeling of courage at the very same time? For example, if I were to speak in front of 20,000 people for the very first time I may feel some natural fear feelings arising just before going on stage. At that very same time the fear feeling is arising I do not allow for courage to be present too. Allowing the 'holding' onto that fear to release and dissolve, allows the courage and 'a serene at peace, awareness' to come forth that is beneath and beyond that feeling of fear. 4.When striving and striving and striving, have you ever wanted to simply just rest? You along with 6.7 billion people most likely. When these feelings of striving appear and you want to relax and simply stop, can you just simply allow yourself to, just stop? Right now can you just stop reading these words? Can you allow yourself to notice the 'quiet mind' and welcome that? Can you expand that 'quiet, clear and aware' sensing, and some more and even more than that? Can you rest as that? 5.If I 'shoulda, woulda or coulda' that having, being or doing, right now? Can you allow yourself to let go of any "coulda woulda or shoulda" in this moment , and notice what is beyond? Unlimited potential perhaps? If this topic interests you, feel free to read and experience some more tips and tools in "What is the source of happiness?" by Kate Burke here: Release what you are not
It is surely to block For if it is a knock It seems to be held onto, under a lock. Set it free It is not that sense of a me I just simply allow the self to be Awaken what is dormant Free up any torment Beneath must be serene peace Goodbye to unwanted feelings at least ! Beliefs from the past Some which last They come and they go But that deeper nature within That heart to begin Open expand It does not need a hand That inherent wisdom that just happens to know It just must be time to allow it to go And now it is clear Beyond that fear What is it that is here ? It's non descript of course So hurry on and see what's upon, that feeling That's just gone A freedom from within Now, awaken, empower, enlighten, Discover, uncover, realize It may be a surprise! It is time .... to begin ! By Kate Burke. Opening Inner Freedom ebook By Kate Burke for more "How To" on amazon Past relationship tough stuff as a young adult lead the self on an inner journey which lead to the other side of the world for human potential trainings. It was at these larger group trainings that I began to 'release' the past, even the sense of an "I" which was so identified with, and about the past. This allowed huge amounts of emotionality around many previous intense issues, particularly in the intimate relationships area, to be set free and dissolve. From blah blah to aha !!
I had been taking photos of my travels and as I released the past more and more, I began to notice more and more from a clearer awareness, beyond attachments and aversions, beyond past beliefs about the way I needed to be or not be. I zoomed in on the reflections and took photos with the sun rays in various places, water seemed to have a joyous energy about it, especially fountains. At the time of taking the photos there were not many of these types of things on the internet, now there is an abundance. Eventually, with the photos I have taken, I placed them to form videos, animations, and an ebook. I have a special project which I would love to bring to life with the ebook and photos to inspire humankind to discover their own deeper true nature which usually may not differ too much at the deeper core of who and what you are. Not only did I begin to notice nature from a whole new awareness which I was not told how to do, it was simply discovered from zooming in or out, I also began to notice human nature from a whole new level. I began to see that emotions stem from love, that usually someones approval or disapproval resulted from their past beliefs and perceptions, and really was not about this self at all. Now, is all there is, being present and fully aware is at peace within and clear. Wanting is not having, especially around the feeling of wanting safety !! It is quite profound when you open to what is beyond it all ....... A truly effective resource for releasing the past which I applied is The Sedona Method, applied by many all over the world now, with documented miracle gains at times! The ebook project is in need of huge funding so this project can come forth for massive PR and add campaigns inspiring personal transformation and self empowerment to come from the greater clear emotions more often, whilst dissolving emotionality around beliefs, unwanted feelings and thoughts for choosing free from fear and external control, clear awareness, especially in intimate relationships. Yet, knowing that even though the visual presentation in the ebook and nature itself, is inspirational, you already are that clear presence and inner peace at the very core of your 'being', that is often sought in the external world and you do not need a visual to be who and what you already are ! If you want to support the ebook on amazon it will make a difference for supporting personal transformation, self empowerment and survivors to thrivers of 'apparent friend' sexual assault and rape. Thank you in advance. EBOOK on amazon |
Hi ! I'm KateWomen's Empowerment Coach | Personal GrowthKate Burke is a Certified Professional Coach & has completed every Sedona Method® Facilitator Training Course since 2016, with a Ba.Ed. in Health and Phys. Ed. She is a best selling author on amazon, Archives
May 2021