So what is not stress? The first thing that comes to mind, as I write this, is pet fish in a tank/bowl. Next what comes up is a sleeping baby, sunset, sunrise, the stillness of a river, the magnificence of a mountain. So in this moment, what comes to mind for you, when asked the question of "what is not stress?" Usually these external 'things' when focused upon bring forth a sense of calming peace. Almost as though it is one calming energy. So the above exercise is one quick way that can invoke feelings of serenity/ peace. Are you open to another quick and easy way to invite up a serene -peacefulness from within? If so, read on ... 1. In this moment can you take the very first "someone or something" that brings to mind, a feeling of stressfulness? Perhaps it just might be something about your lovely self .. that you don't find apparently "lovely" eg- the sight of your body clothed, or not. Perhaps you are "coulda, woulda or shoulda" about your 'past' responses from an old traumatic intimate relationship. Perhaps your judging/disapproving your own beautiful self, based on external beliefs and it has been causing you great "dis - stress" ........ 2. Could you just allow yourself to notice that feeling, and let it be here, as best you can? (simply pause and notice ...... ) 3. Would you like to keep holding onto that ? Yes/no? 4. So could you simply decide to let that feeling go, and set it free? 5. Could you let that feeling go some more? 6. And even more than that? 7. (and you could also continue to ask - could I let go? ........ and let go? .......and let go........ and let go?) allowing for noticing/pausing - beyond each time releasing/ 'letting go' is happening ........ 8. Now check and see. How does it feel now? Usually it will feel much free-er, lighter and or more open. And can you simply welcome that feeling of 'freedom" ..... now, and now, and now! 💕🙏🏽 If you would like some similar introductory rounds of questions such as the above, then this introductory pdf guide on the how-to of releasing, could provide you with some expanded tips for releasing those emotions, quicker and easier. It has two more similar exercises for inviting up that serene peace within and noticing 'what is not stress'! Your email is kept private and confidential.
1/2/2019 09:21:26 pm
May I be the first to say "I really needed this." Thank you Coach Kate. After doing that release I actually feel good about myself and my conditions. Often when I go see counelors and case managers I come back feeling low and down. But this helped me to see that behind all the stresses, there is so much more to focus on that is not stress. There is so much peace in the world. And it's right before our eyes. We can see it when we let go of focusing on the stress.😃 1/3/2019 01:56:00 pm
Thank you Coach Cicely. It's wonderful that it is helpful. Alot of Counsellors , Therapists , Doctors, Nurses even retired police officers, lawyer, psychologists, Uni students, teachers , athletes that I have been at TSM retreats with, and/or on calls with .... apply the Sedona method Releasing that we are applying here. (any one who has emotions). They have also experienced wonderful gains from it too. .... and for those where "the system" reveals lesser supportive emotions , as in your case here ...... it's wonderful to have this to team with it. Thank you and may profound 'at peaceness' prevail !!! Comments are closed.
Women's Empowerment Coach | Personal Growth.
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