1. Have you just finished a day of work from 5am to 7pm with little to none, time for a break? Maybe you have even left that situation totally? Perhaps there is some issues that your mind just can't seem to be free of now? This post is for you! So now that you do have a little quiet time for yourself in the evening (or any specific suitable time), can you allow yourself to delve into the tips and resources within this post that are all aimed for transforming your inner most serene and courageous self. A deeper wisdom within? A time to 'declutter' the minds often spinning 'coulda, woulda, or shoulda'. Just know that in any moment, you 'would have', if you 'could have', and 'should have'!! So it can be really helpful to allow yourself to schedule a time specifically for 'decluttering your mind'. Let the mind simply quieten from the spin of thinking and 'wanting to figure things out' with no real solution appearing. If it helps too, grab this free PDF poster "Peace Pamper Hour- In Progress - Do Not Disturb" .
2. We usually all have a natural ability for letting go of any unwanted emotion. This ability can also be enhanced with specific resources and one of the best that I have found over years of personal transformation is the how-to of letting go. Sometimes when we allow ourselves to notice just the feeling that is associated with a particular thought and allow the feeling to release/let go, it can be easier. Here is a direct example and this is just one of many examples. In this moment, can you think of something about your day, today, that you would like to be different? Got something? Now how does that feel ? For example it could be a feeling of 'resistance, disapproved of, even powerlessness. So, whichever feeling it is, could you just notice it, and allow it to be here? (Be sure to actually experience this practical answer). Now , would you like to keep holding onto that feeling for a whole week, for every second ? So could you let it go and allow it to release? Would you let that feeling go if you could let it go? When would you do that? Can you now notice that it is beginning to feel more 'at ease', more free around that initial issue? If you would like to discover more of these type of questions for enhancing you natural ability to 'let go', through guided releasing', simply sign up below. Upon signing up you will receive an instant guided release 10 min audio to experience letting go of any issue, that you would like to feel more free around. Within this audio are tips for quicker and more effective ways of releasing. This guided releasing is inspired by The Sedona Method emotional releasing.
3. Just how do those babies sleep in the middle of the day and even when there is much 'hustle and bustle, noise' all around them? In order to sleep, according to the Dalai Lama, one must have completely 'let go'. A gain, in my experience, from 'letting go' is, the mind is 'at peace', or a 'peaceful presence' is revealed from within. As a young adult working two professional jobs, I was not aware of this inner freedom within. When open to 'decluttering' the mind, there is a clearing of the mind, a clearing of any unwanted feelings associated with losing 'confidence' and sleep, for example, because of another's disapproval of you or even feelings of 'being controlled'. I discovered an extremely effective 'releasing' resource, called The Sedona Method, much later in life. It is scientifically validated, and I discovered it through another friend who shared that she was "free" from applying it. Yet, perhaps it just might be exactly what could bring new found inner freedom, in your life, right now. Click here to find out more.
4. So what are some other very quick and easy ways to allow your mind to 'quieten' and 'declutter'? This is another experiential exercise so see if you can really apply this now. No matter where you are right now, could you just allow yourself to pause? Could you just simply stop in this very moment? Now can you think of a time in your life when you were noticing an exquisite silence? Such as, listening for an ant as it is crawling through the grass in the park, or listening to the small fish swimming at the depth of the ocean? Notice when you really listen for either of those, the mind's "thinkingness" is quietened, rest comes more easily and the mind is 'open' for more solutions . 5. Having applied some of the above tips and experiential exercises can you take some time to go about your evening tasks such as a relaxing bath or even 'foot soak' and play some calming music as you do so. While applying these tasks just allow yourself to really focus on the sounds and tones of the relaxing and calming music. Also, if you prefer not to have any music, see if you can recall some of the 'letting go' questions from 'tip 2' and gently repeat/practise them . Or apply the suggestions in 'tip 4'. For more on integrating similar self care into your daily routine, opt for this instant free online mini Self care Course here by Coach Kate and find out what a "Peace Pamper Empowering Hour" really is. 6. Sometimes welcoming the 'feelings we love to feel can also allow the mind to be 'at rest' or 'contented'. So can you think of anything about your life thus far, where you experienced feelings of a 'soothing serenity' or a 'calmingness'. In my experience, when I ask myself this question right now, what comes to mind is; sitting in the spa area of a hotel/resort; walking amidst nature; hiking amidst the mountains; flying on a plane and being able to view the vast sky/clouds; viewing the sunset/sunrise. Can you allow yourself to really feel into which ever situation brings forth that sense of a 'soothing serenity', or a sense of 'calmness', as best you can? Could you also, allow yourself to really feel into that feeling of a 'soothing serenity' and/or an inner peacefulness, or whichever feeling similar to that, you resonate with? 7. The last tip here is to just know that within you is that 'clearing-ness', that we often seek outside of ourselves. Within you is that inner peacefulness and clear presence from 'decluttering' what ever appears to be hindering your own self approval or innate wisdom, in any moment. If you would like to directly experience how this can be applied for the 'how - to ' of decluttering 'what-ever' arises in the moment, you are more than welcome to schedule a 30 min 'demo', free, just click here now! So here's wishing you much inner freedom and serenity beyond the day's 'angst' / 'issues'. Furthermore, with this one one one coaching and emotional releasing, you can also tailor your own "audio package" with some very specific audios done just for you around any affirmation, or even priority goal, that you are focusing on, or wanting to feel more inner freedom with, or about. Here is another example of how this could work instantly for you. I have created a 80 minute webinar titled "An Abundance of Peace in 2019. What is not stress?". Even though its dated as 2019, it is applicable for any moment you want to feel that greater 'at peacefulness from within' which is not limited to any time nor date! Below is what you get from this particular webinar: In the 80 min webinar you get: 1. A guided release for letting go of feelings associated with "past stressors". 2. A guided release for letting go of any feelings around any anticipated/future "stressors". 3. Learn and experience the "energy chart of emotions". For example, release feelings associated from "discouragement", and welcome feelings of courageousness, complete and unlimited. 4. Experience 'tips' for "being present" in the very moment of now. 5. Explore, experience and release, what stands between you and 'being' at peace, forever? (This question is 'posed' to bring up any barriers within.) A requirement for this webinar (or similar), is that you opt for a free one on one Coaching session of 30 min to ensure this is just right for you.
May you always choose a life that is surrounded with people who truly bring forth feelings of trust, kindness, harmony, happiness and those feelings that are supportive and nourishing of your mind/body. You do not have to withstand nor 'put up with' anything less than that! Whenever you can, allow yourself 'priority time' for 'self care', and be 'free-er' from the inside, out, when most needed ....... for good. ?
In closing I am inspired to share this inspirational speech by Oprah Winfrey from her Golden Globe Award in Jan, 2018. It is supportive of bringing both men and women together, for moving beyond the need for movements such as #metoo. In other words, it is for supporting the elimination of the very occurrence of any form of violation, particularly sexual violation against women, from happening throughout the world, today. I hope you are inspired to take a stand and support this too. Thank you.
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Women's Empowerment Coach | Personal Growth.
March 2023
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