Taking time 'for rest' in the "Forest", the beach, ocean, mountains, river, lake , your own home. Is home wherever you are ?
In this experience, some of the gains from over the years of emotional releasing are that mother nature itself, has an unlimited presence. Nature tends to reveal that from within "you" when present within it. It apparently "does" that through no controlling at all, it simply is! You are that nature, itself, and that is for you to discover from right within yourself, if open to it? Interesting enough, Dr John Gray relationship expert and best selling author was interviewed by Hale Dwoskin , an emotional releasing 'genius' who founded The Sedona Method. Dr Gray stated in the podcast interview here, that you don't 'get it' from nature ! In my experience as previously stated, you don't 'get it' from nature because you are that - deepest love and deepest wisdom and that is noticed from that deepest, more clear-er awareness from releasing emotions and more, in my experience. What about you , and your true nature ... what can you discover, what have you already discovered and what will you re-discover about "you" ? Realise and recognise deepest wisdom, deepest love and a deepest serenity from within. That which is not taught and thought and was born already within, it would seem! The Greatest Secret of all time , apparently !! Check Rhonda Byrne's new book for that very title too. What can we create when we team this internal wisdom with external wisdom ? Can we be noticing what we already are, and have from "being that" sense of 'free-ness' in all its abundant and completed "state" of being ! What could we take that we already have, and transform for empowering and freeing the hearts and minds of anyone who wants to re-discover that deepest truth of who they really are? A "naturality" for simply "being" you with an ease, effortless-ness, exquisiteness and even elegance ....... clear and free-ing in itself ! Let's begin ! Below images - noticed in that moment and beyond 'Freedomind Moment' ..... Enjoy ! Kate Burke Photos ©️ 2021. All Rights Reserved. No copying or use without prior written consent of Photographer. This applies for any and all photos on this website or anywhere on the internet that are taken by Kate Burke (Katrina). Comments are closed.
Women's Empowerment Coach | Personal Growth.
March 2023
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